Friday, August 8, 2014

Homework-Part 1

The question is, "What do you have for homework tonight?"

Homework. It's a word that can send a chill down a student's spine.  Parents don't like it, and quite frankly teachers don't either.

Wait.  Did you just say that "Teachers don't like homework?"

Yes. However, teachers know it is necessary.  This is what homework should do:

  1. Review content taught.  Most students need to see new content seven or more times before it is learned.  There is not enough time in the school day to cover that.
  2. Build fluency.  That sounds like reading, but it's not just reading.  Fluency is how well we do something or with what ease we do something.  This can mean reading, or math operations, or just about anything else.
  3. Keep student's minds engaged.  Television is not usually a positive influence. 
Homework usually involves something like reading, copying spelling words, finishing incomplete work, 'review for a test' (and let's be honest----parents really don't like that one).  These are all good and necessary but what if we could do something that would create accountability and encourage homework could be more than a pencil and paper every night.  

Stay tuned for HOMEWORK-Part 2

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