Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer of Productivity Part 2

Let no dust settle.

Yesterday while cleaning windows, I started about 100 other small projects as well.  I mean, if you are going to clean the window sills, shouldn't you also clean the baseboards?  If you clean baseboards in a carpeted area, aren't you obligated to vaccuum up that dust.  One thing lead to another and by the time I crashed, I had started several "projects".  Cleaning out closets is on the list.  I guess I am guilty of having too many "windows" open--- always having my hand in many things.

This morning Noah and I awoke early to head to the neighboring town for dental appointments.  Mine was for cleaning and exam, his was for wisdom teeth extraction.  Our appointments were at 7 a.m.  Believe it or not, Noah was done before I was.  He did fine but was disappointed he didn't get any gas--- he does favor the horizontal position. 

This afternoon I was a training assistant on using QR codes in the classroom.  What a fantastic opportunity to get kids engaged using 21st century skills!  Immediately after the session, I am already thinking about running to my classroom to pick up a few resources.  Again, crazy, right?  Second day of summer vacation and I already have a list of things I need to retrieve from my classroom. I also need to take some things to school which I have around here (thank you closet clean out) that I can use in my classroom.  Thank goodness we don't have to turn our keys into the front office.

Let no dust settle, onward to more tasks.

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