Monday, August 25, 2014

Homework-Part 2

What if homework was actually fun? What if homework often involved the family? What if students wanted to do homework? What if homework could work around your busy schedule? (GASP!***)

It will be all this and more.  Students will be given a homework folder on Monday with tasks from which to choose.  Choice is something everyone values and appreciates.  The "homework folder" is turned in on Friday with at least four activities done.  Parents are only required to initial the activity the child completed and help the student remember to return the folder on Friday.

Some questions you might have:

  1. Can students choose anything?  Yes, but students are ask to fulfill a requirement on which categories must be done.
  2. Can my child do more than four?  From that I state a resounding, "YES" the more practice the better!
  3. What makes you certain that my child will "want" to do these tasks? For each task completed and initialed by you, he/she earns a star.  After a designated number of stars are earned by the entire class, a treat is given. (It could be extra recess, or a game day, etc.) Many of the activities are creative and fun.
  4. What choices will he/she have? Ideally, students should complete at least one task from each major area.  You will see this in the "homework folder".  Some of the choices are games for math, writing including some family writing, reading, spelling, and science or social studies thrown in as well.
  5. How will you know if my child actually does what I initialed if it's just playing a game.  Teachers know.  It becomes apparent very quickly when students have not been building fluency.  
  6. Are there any repercusions if my child doesn't get at least 4 stars.  Yes.  Grades will show.  Students also might not be able to participate in the extra activity.  
It is my belief that the very best "homework" your child does is read.  All learning stems from being an effective reader.  Copying spelling words five times each doesn't merit much learning, especially words which he/she already knows how to spell.  Every year I tell parents that students need to practice math fact flash cards, and every year about half the students do.  These activities are meant to drive your child to want to do better.

Let's give this system a try.  I am going to love and I am sure your child and you will too!

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