Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Human Resources (for Nine and Ten Year Olds)

I am blessed.  I have the opportunity to teach "Advanced Learners" which means, for the most part, my students love to learn.  This doesn't mean that it comes easy for me (or for them).  My task, along with all other educators, is to try a foster a lifetime love of learning.  That means I must do what it takes to encourage curiosity as well help students recognize their role in the world.  I am not certain about other teachers, but I take my job fairly seriously.  When I am having a difficult day, I have to try as I might to either see through that opaque film or learn a lesson from it.  When I am having a good day, the kids do, too.  I suppose that in a way, I am a barometer of influence.  Sometimes this mantle is heavy.

At lunch, some of us were discussing that our role is quite similar to Human Resources.  I try to tap the best in every learner and need to know how to avert trouble with conflicting personalities.  I know within a day or two, which individuals will work well together and if there are any combinations that might look like TNT.  In this Human Resource job, there are external influences beyond our control: parents, television, extra curricular activities, and sometimes quite a lot of negative influences as well.

When I think deeply, I know the role of an effective teacher, though underpaid by society's standards, is a hefty one.  Teachers must believe in the unseen, and more importantly, delayed response.  Will my students grow up to be successful members of society.  Will they measure their words carefully when speaking to others?  Is the future in medicine sitting in my classroom now?  What difference can I make in their lives so that one day, they will impact yours?  Do my actions and words model what I hope theirs to be?

I am truly proud of my students.  My very first class of students, from back in the day, are now aged 33. Thirty-three!  My current direct reports are ten.  Where will they go from here?

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