Tuesday, January 13, 2015

With All the Noise

Teachers are control freaks.  I know, I know--- admitting this could be suicide if my friends and coworkers read this.  It's true though.  How can a teacher run a classroom effectively without knowing how to control 20-30 people, the paperwork, all the curriculum, school and district expectations without being control freaks?  Let's not forget to factor in communication with parents as well.

So where does noise play into the equation?  Noise for learning is inevitable.  There is a real push-pull/ love-hate relationship with noise.  I can learn so much about my student's learning when I dip in on their learning conversations.  Are they confused? Are the kids using the correct vocabulary?  Are the students sharing their love of learning and reading?  

Is there a time for quiet though?  I am certain I need and value quiet.  You can ask my son how low I ask him to keep the volume on the television.  When I visit my parents and in-laws it drives me crazy the volume they need. I think I have hyper-senstive ears.  When I don't know my way while driving, I turn the radio off.  

Noise needs a balance and I hope I can find it in my classroom.

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