Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer of Productivity Part 2

Let no dust settle.

Yesterday while cleaning windows, I started about 100 other small projects as well.  I mean, if you are going to clean the window sills, shouldn't you also clean the baseboards?  If you clean baseboards in a carpeted area, aren't you obligated to vaccuum up that dust.  One thing lead to another and by the time I crashed, I had started several "projects".  Cleaning out closets is on the list.  I guess I am guilty of having too many "windows" open--- always having my hand in many things.

This morning Noah and I awoke early to head to the neighboring town for dental appointments.  Mine was for cleaning and exam, his was for wisdom teeth extraction.  Our appointments were at 7 a.m.  Believe it or not, Noah was done before I was.  He did fine but was disappointed he didn't get any gas--- he does favor the horizontal position. 

This afternoon I was a training assistant on using QR codes in the classroom.  What a fantastic opportunity to get kids engaged using 21st century skills!  Immediately after the session, I am already thinking about running to my classroom to pick up a few resources.  Again, crazy, right?  Second day of summer vacation and I already have a list of things I need to retrieve from my classroom. I also need to take some things to school which I have around here (thank you closet clean out) that I can use in my classroom.  Thank goodness we don't have to turn our keys into the front office.

Let no dust settle, onward to more tasks.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer of Productivity Part 1

This summer is going to be remarkable.  Remarkable in that in addition to enjoying the break from school, things are going to get done. Things that I have been mulling over will get done and things which just come upon me will get done.

Day 1 of summer vacation, here we go! 

Noah and I undertook the daunting task of cleaning all of the windows in our home. Now before you gasp, let me tell you, our home is not huge.  When we moved here we downsized by about 40% in square footage and about 200% in windows. I miss those windows.  Moreover, I miss the vast amount of light that poured into our country home and the views in all four directions.  Today, however, I didn't miss them at all.  We have only 12 windows here and glass panes in three doors.  There were 13 windows in just our master bedroom, dining room, and living room and they were large in our former home.  But today Noah and I cleaned those windows inside and out and scrubbed the screens.  We have been in this house over three years, I think we have cleaned them once before or at least some of them.  All but two of the windows had the screens installed inside out.    

The day was perfect for it. Overcast skies and a breeze made the job bearable and it helped that we started about 9 a.m.  In addition to spending time with Noah and checking something off of my list, I gained a little insight.


I was hesitant to let go of the school year.  Crazy, right?  It wasn't about the work, I was ready to step away from teaching for a while.  It is a bit like being a mother bird to 20 hungry beaks all the time.  It can sap the energy right out of you.  I did, however, have a wonderful group of kids.  I encountered very few discipline problems, very enthusiastic learners, great proficiency in the standardized testing.  I couldn't ask for more. It was time to let go.

Cleaning the windows helped me see clearly that sometime we become so accustomed to what we have that we don't even know what we are missing.  Like the fine layer of dust on my windows, my time with my students (and occasionally their parents) my view was getting clouded.  Just like students need many teachers to help mold their character, teachers need many students to help them grow.  

My windows are now beautifully clean (I even caught my son admiring himself in the reflection) and my view on the future is quite clear too.